Barrick, Jim. John A. Miller: Roller Coaster Designer and Builder. March 2002.

Chandler, Gil. Roller Coasters. Minneapolis, Minn. : Capstone Press, c1995.

Colt, George Howe. "The Physics of Fear". Life, August 1993 v16 n9 p68(5).

Goldberg, Harold. "On a Roll". The Industry Standard, August 6, 2001 v4 i30

Harris, Tom. How Roller Coasters Work 1998. March 2002.

Kruidhoff, Jessica and Selene Kucera. The Effects of New Technology on Roller
Coaster Thrills, Safety and Economics. 1997. March 2002.

Sandy, Adam. Roller Coaster History. 2000-2001. March 2002.

Schafer, Mike and Scott Rutherford. Roller Coasters. Osceola, WI : MBI Pub.
Co., 1998.

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